Automatic Locks with Key Fob

Discussion in 'Wish List' started by Kelly, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. Kelly

    Kelly Novice

    It would be sweet to have automatic locks on the doors and galley that can lock and unlock with the mere press of a key fob button. Especially when not travelling with a group, I find myself constantly locking and unlocking things. I have no idea if this it is feasible to automate the locks, but it sure would be nice.

    It would also be nice to get around the issue of potentially being locked out of your trailer. One of my hounds was kind enough to lock one of the doors from the inside while I was outside (as I walked around to the other door I was really hoping that the other door didn't get locked too!). As it turned out, I didn't get locked out and soon started crating my dogs when left on their own inside the trailer.

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