Sprayer hose

Discussion in 'Camper's Confessional' started by jfocallag, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Don't remove the nozzle when hooked up to water and it is turned on.
  2. Pick

    Pick Novice

    Oops! hope it was warm out.
  3. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Bet that was fun.


    Don't feel bad. You just squirted a bit. I, the brains of the family, tried to turn on the water while looking right at the icicle protruding from the faucet - it was 25 degrees at the time.

  4. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    Nah, I just wanted water for the kettle. At 25 degrees, hot coffee is survival gear. Anywho, silly me flipped the facet handle without thinking and GGGGRRRREEEECCCKKKK! Yikes! Flipped it back off so fast the wind resistance heated my hand for a second. All I could think of was, "Well, I trashed the motor for sure".

    Luckily that was not the case and my faucet works just fine. Wheeeww.

    Now if the motor had worked and the spray head had come off, I might have wound up concussed by flying ice. Fun trying to explain that one to the kids...

    Camp On (in safety)

  5. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice

    I'm pretty mad that Camp-Inn didn't even offer me the optional ice maker. Amirite Frank?
  6. dhutchin

    dhutchin Novice


    I hope you made the moist of the situation.
  7. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Let's just say everything got a good cleaning.
  8. 1Door

    1Door Novice

    Kinda like when the beauty operator lets go of the hose when shampooing their clients hair??
    Been there.
  9. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Hahaha! Gotta love a punster!

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