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Campsite review suggestion


Junior Ranger
Hi folks-

Had a thought about the campsite review area. I am not sure about the rest of you and your knowledge about parks and campsites in other states, but I am wondering, if in the subject area, we could add the state abbreviation to narrow down our searches? Some states have parks with similar names (as I found during our trek west from WI), plus it would make searches online easier. I know there are several reviews at this point, so maybe we could start it going forward? Just an idea. Maybe it could look something like this:
OR-Lost Lake State Park Campground (just an example)

Let us know your thoughts.
Yes Sarah, I would agree.. I just got them bass-ackwards... with
Ellensburg, WA... but good idea to put the state first..
Will try it next time...
thanks for the heads up...
Sound good to me. Now I just need a volunteer to go back and edit all the existing posts... :)
I know before hand exactly what would be the correct format to use.

WA Larrabee St Prk
OR Whatever Natl Prk
BC Campbell River (Canada)

or with an Underscore
WA_Larrabee? (looks a little too techy)
WA - Larrabee (spaces with the hypen)

thoughts.. I'd be happy to do the PNW ones if that would help?
I can try to help with the Oregon ones...Evan, can I change things other people have posted? I just thought of that. Or maybe we can ask folks who have written reviews to go back and add things?

As for format, I think any of that will work, but maybe we should standardize it. I think I prefer either a dash or nothin, over the underscore. Sometimes, if there are lines below an underscore, it can be hard for people to see (so why use it?).

Just my 2 cents!
Yah, agree.. one space or two... looks better, keeps a little more separated:

WA Larrabee st pk

WA Larrabee st pk

one space is probably enough and doubtful anyone would remember 2 spaces...