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Favorite Pricey Not-from-ci-accessory

Ahhh...two comments to share since last:
1. Talking with a dog guy
(meet the most interesting people at dog parks...maybe we need a dog topic here?)
...he said it not paint or rhinoliner, its a wrap...

Which revives my interest in Sweeneys thread awhile ago on paint on aluminum vs wraps...
Thread 'Wrapping'

So, I'm looking for rabbit holes:

@Cary Winch - what is the cognoscemti say about wraps on the aluminum used in CI's?

Is it comparable to CyberTrucks (iirc they are stainless steel...?)
And if not, has anyone tried a wrap, and what surface prep is needed?

I'm weird, I know, but here is my idea...CI as rolling hunting blind...plus cut the heat soak in desert with an FJ like roof...

@Sweeney thos would be kewl on the Cherokee, dude! Or as a way to advertise your biz on the Transit tow vehicle/workshop?

(Looks like Grok needs more data...CI images?

Ahhh...two comments to share since last:
1. Talking with a dog guy
(meet the most interesting people at dog parks...maybe we need a dog topic here?)
...he said it not paint or rhinoliner, its a wrap...

Which revives my interest in Sweeneys thread awhile ago on paint on aluminum vs wraps...
Thread 'Wrapping'

So, I'm looking for rabbit holes:

@Cary Winch - what is the cognoscemti say about wraps on the aluminum used in CI's?

Is it comparable to CyberTrucks (iirc they are stainless steel...?)
And if not, has anyone tried a wrap, and what surface prep is needed?

I'm weird, I know, but here is my idea...CI as rolling hunting blind...plus cut the heat soak in desert with an FJ like roof...

@Sweeney thos would be kewl on the Cherokee, dude! Or as a way to advertise your biz on the Transit tow vehicle/workshop?

(Looks like Grok needs more data...CI images?

Wrapping is what I was leaning towards, but have found that the local 'wrap' company won't do just a single color wrap -- they want logos. THey insist that "it is not a protective coating"

As for fading, yeah, I'm sure that is an issue --- but the cost to wrap a transit van isn't that bad if you say it fast. $4000 +/-, so if it lasts 18-24 months, $200 a month is cheaper than other forms of advertising. For my use, either dipping or wrapping the teardrop --- it sits in a garage when its is not in use, so I am thinking I'll get more like 4-6 years out of whatever I put on it. since UV will not be a factor.

MAYBE next summer. I've got to find time, money, and ambition at the same time.
Ya, I am only idly noodling when considering matching the CI to a nice Real Oak pattern on a G6 or the predecessor, @dustinp comes to mind.

Sort of a glamping while a hunting blind setup...set it up on the edge of a shelterbelt with a corn field left unharvested a few rows, and its venison tenderloins on the barbie!

Then of course you have to wrap to match the tow vehicle. Doing so on your new job truck is a business expense too, if that helps. Sweeney's Patented Snake Oil and RV Curative Services branding ideas to follow.

(Seriously I see a great need for helping people get solar-ified by add-on's to existing vehicles and towed campers. But a trip to Quartsite will confirm that as market research...)

I still say Tours metal decaled rig is THE best example of modern retro americana folk art, in actual use and thus more interesting than Thomas Dolby's take on steampunk, cool as that was; wasnt camped in so much as a fun bit of art.

Soeaking of glorious excess;
You should see the custom ice houses up north.

But ooops, seriously thread jacking here sorry OP.
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