Super creative build, with the "ripaway" footwell, for extra standing height.
And the composting toilet squeezed between the heater and the lithium sogen...
The sliders for feet area were ingenious, made from Home Depot tubs, and I LOL'ed at his frank admission they had to curl up on cold nights as not insulated.
Brilliant hatch as awning idea!
So, did the RoadToad inspire or vs versa?
Great minds think alike...
Sweeney, a place for you to check out some day...
HIs whole built is that way -- creative. When I first saw it parked outside the camp office I said "oh, I need to see this one!" and I was right. He's got a marvelously well thought out setup that works for him and his wife beautifully.
The best part is, his personality is exactly what you see -- he's the kindest person I think I've ever met in a campground, same for Dixie his wife.