Non-Camping use of our 560

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by JoeB-NW, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. JoeB-NW

    JoeB-NW Novice

    As with any decent story you must have a good intro...

    So there we the midst of a dinner party the stove in our home decides that it is fed up with cooking our meals and baking our bread. The oven came to the conclusion that it needed a respite, but it wasn't going out without a show. The oven blows a heating element and starts shooting sparks and catching on fire. While dazzling, we put and end to it's tantrum fairly quickly.

    This morning we were able to find a new heating element on-line, but it is going to be a week until it gets here. So in the meantime we find ourselves using the Teardrop for cooking our meals in the backyard. Between it and the BBQ all we are left wanting is a fresh batch of cookies.

    Sooooo....this got me thinking that although our story is slightly humorous and even less slightly inconvienient...I thought perhaps there are other stories out there even more entertaining.

    So lets have it, how about some stories with "other-than-planned-organized(or semi-organized)-weekend-outing" themes. Winner of most unusual story gets a batch of cookies, once our oven works again.

    Joe and Alexis

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