Northern Lights - Aurora Borealis

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by Torrey Sweetser, May 12, 2024.

  1. Got another couple nights in this weekend with #1118, gaining our sea legs and where things need to go for best access. @Sweeney you would have loved this weekend at German Ridge, low overnight Friday was in the 40’s, yesterdays high was 69 then woke up to 52 this morning.

    Friday night we got to see Northern lights way down here in SW Indiana (5/10/2024). Peach glow up through the canopy of leaves, listening to whippoorwills and Barred Owls calling. Was truly lovely.

    We did not get pictures , anyone else see them?
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I am now officially jealous. I've never seen the nithern lights, I hope that changes soon. The cool temperatures are just gravy until its time to go to the bathroom or get up in the morning :) But it all seem worth it.

    God willing the forcats changes this weekend and we don't get rained out, and the skies part....
    Torrey Sweetser likes this.
  3. Welp, we have had 2-3/4” rain since 4:30am today with more training over us tonight.

    Clifty Falls would be enjoyable, unfortunately need to stay closer this weekend as it is my Sunday on as volunteer at local nature center. Looking to head towards Cave-in-Rock, which is same distance as German Ridge.
  4. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Thats too bad, I would have loved to met another member of he forum..

    We've been mostly dry up until today, it was drizzly. The storms systems have blown past us. Today, it's drizzly most of the day -- not sure how much we got. As for the weekend, the weather this weekend is iffy but at least the 'bad times' are mostly overnight. We'll see how it goes.

    The past 60 hours or so have been different. Having worked as a desk jockey, with a side of pencil pushing for 24 years combined with the past 4 working from home I've gotten quite soft. I think that may explain why I've had a hard time loosing a few pounds --- I just don't have the muscle mass.

    Actually getting up and going to a workplace has been exhausting. But, its one day at a time and push a little harder every day.

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